Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Happy Birthday To Julia Tan ! !
With a new year of your journey, shall come more challenges, opportunities and greater success. Happy Birthday To Julia Tan !
Sp.Ace Core Value#2, Helpful Community
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
September Birthday Girls
Each day my friend you learn new things,
Each phase is like life's new innings.
Sometimes you get chances, sometimes you choose,
In this game of life, a smile is what I hope you never lose.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
L-C-E-P’: Easy Strategy for More Referral Conversations
Asking for referrals… or discussing referrals… or approaching others about wanting more referrals….
…does the thought of this make you uncomfortable?
Well, you’re not alone.
For most people interested in growing their referrals of clients and customers, discussing referrals almost feels like begging.
Today, I’ll share with you a concept that I call “L-C-E-P”, that will break down your referrals barrier rather easily.
I stress the importance of making sure people find VALUE in your services before you ever discuss referrals with them. So, presuming you know that others are valuing your work, let’s look at…
Are You Using The Concept of L-C-E-P?
L-C-E-P continues on the theme of value-recognized. It stands for “Low-Cost Experience Points.”
In other words, I want you to start thinking of ways you can communicate value to others via entry points to your services, and LCEPs (low cost experience points).
One of the simplest ways of doing this, and creating those LCEPs, (as an rough example), is to get your website (or web page) updated – it’s an online brochure, and as important as any hard marketing materials you now own (or plan on creating in 2010.)
How many brochures have you requested from a company recently? Zero probably.
What I’m driving at is for you to showcase your core competencies, including cloaked case studies, and other work illustrations that allow a person to come to experience you and your work.
Also, it still amazes me how many professionals see referral marketing and building referrals from clients as a means of offering forced inducements (bribes, rewards or otherwise) to the client to get new introductions, and new “experiences” with others.
Stop doing this. Referral bribes and rewards are cheap inducements. They are flawed and foolish.
Instead, hone-in on your Low-Cost Experience Points. Everyone has them in their business.
What are some in your business right now that you can offer to others?
Count your life by smiles, not tears.
Count your age by friends, not years.
Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest.
- Sp.Ace Social Group, CV #2: Helpful Community
What Does This Referral Marketing Diagram Tell You?
What does it say about your current referrals? What about your referral marketing efforts?
A feel free to keep this diagram very close to your business. Growing your referrals is the fastest way for you to earn more money, work less, and get the freedom you want in your life.
Best of luck.
--The diagram clearly states that…through the chaos we manage each day, the next potential referral will only result from taking action to ask for the business. Business is around every corner and everyone knows someone that needs our product or service. Just get started and be passionate about taking care of your existing clients- source of the best referrals ever.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
"Show children with cancer and their families that they are not alone in their fight against cancer"
Check out this website for more details.
Legacy Concepts by Dragg Wong
Susie on e-submissions
Katherine on Gen 3
- Sp.Ace Success Contributors (CV #1)
Friday, July 15, 2011
Reasons you lose motivation and how to fix them
Motivation is defined as the wants, needs, and set of circumstances that drive a person to do or accomplish something. You will need motivation to continue until you have achieved what it is you are striving for, whether there is a specific goal you are trying to obtain or you simply want to become a better person.
However, motivation can at times diminish and the strong drive and excitement you once felt is lost. This is why many businesses, diets, and other endeavors don't seem to last-the motivation and drive to get it done that was once there is gone.
There are a number of reasons people lose their motivation along the way. The following are some of the reasons you lose motivation and ways you can fix them:
Reason Number One: No confidence. The lack of confidence is one of the main reasons people lose focus. The end result or end goal of what we are trying to achieve is exciting at first, but once you start on the path towards it, obstacles come and confidence deteriorates. For example, let's say you're initially motivated to lose weight. However, along the way, you begin to lose confidence for a number of reasons - you gave in to temptation at the office party and ate more than you meant to, or the numbers on the scale aren't moving very fast.
If you want to be successful and reach your goal, you will have to put aside motivation killers like a lack of confidence. Practicing positive affirmations has shown to be very effective in getting your motivation back. Saying things like, "I can do this," to yourself when you have negative thoughts or self doubt can help you to keep your motivation and stay on track. Placing notes where you can see them has also helped many people keep their motivation going.
A successful support system will also be a great help to you in maintaining motivation. Having someone to answer to is particularly successful; that's why programs such as Weight Watchers and Alcoholics Anonymous have such a high success rate. "Checking in" with someone who is encouraging or who has the same end goal as you can be very helpful.
Reason Number Two: No plan. You may be motivated and excited in the beginning, but without a concrete plan to help you determine how you will reach your goal, it will be difficult to stay on task and motivated. With no direction and no concrete outcome, it is difficult to stay motivated.
This is an easy problem to overcome. Regardless of what you want your overall outcome to be, having a plan will help you to stay motivated. In business, you can't get a business started or even funded if you don't' have a well-laid out plan. Likewise, in life, it's difficult to achieve anything without a plan. You can do this by setting goals along the way. For example, if you have a habit of gossiping and you would like to stop, consider making a plan of action that includes staying away from negative people who encourage gossip, or promise yourself that you will not say anything about someone that you wouldn't say if they were standing next to you.
There are many other reasons people lose their motivation. However, by working to eliminate negativity and increase your confidence and by having a well laid out plan, you can keep your motivation soaring and reach your end goal.